Monday, September 20, 2010

Meet Ms Ruby Hot Rocks

Ms Bunny Bugles and Ms Ruby Hot Rocks Homes at The Peppersauce Bottom Ranch
Ms Ruby Hot Rocks
Chapter 5 Ms Ruby Hot Rocks

  Ms Ruby Hot Rocks is a famous designer of rock. She builds large signs by blasting words into the rock, She glues rocks onto other rocks to make a sculpture design sometimes she adds clay or fabric or wood or even iron to her designs. Ms Ruby also does jewelry in glass and beads and other items like ceramic pots, dishes, platters and bowels, but that is not all! Ms Ruby does dolls and Inko dyes and quilts and sewing, and she builds furniture and this probably is n't near the end of what she can do. She is an artist by trade and a multi-talented Fairy Grandmother. She also likes to sail her boat out on Lake Pueblo. Ms Ruby is a rotund woman like Ms Peppersauce Bottom and she loves comfort. Her clothing is loose and flowy and brightly colored and she moves quickly and has determination in every step.
   Ms Ruby is a “DOG” person, seven in all and though she is quite talented there is chaos around her always! The other grandmothers wonder how she manages to do so much with all the chaos! I think it inspires her. She sleeps in a big old feather bed with all, yes all 7 of the dogs. There’s Sparkle and Champy, Mugji, Muffin and Zeke (a rooster cat goat Terrier mix) and Boo and Lolly, A big pack of little dogs all a mixture of Terriers and Beagles. 
 The grandmothers gather at the big caldron pot every morning for coffee and breakfast and all the dogs’ dash away to the big prairie where they chase each other and run so fast nipping at each other’s tails.Watching the dogs run makes me shiver with delight Even the Horses and Spicy and Sassafras the goats, the old milk goats, and Bossy the old milk cow get all excited and join in the chase. When the dogs run in the morning the chickens in the chicken coop jump and flutter their wings and Buttons the pig rolls in the mud, every one is awake and ready for adventure, will today be the day? Will the Grandmothers pack up the casitas and take a road trip?

Oh Yes, Inspiration yes, yes, Back to Ms Ruby. She flows in her little batik print dress and her Hawaiian Shirt and her Birkenstock (little Sandals) She Is a Picture, indeed! And a great sailboat Captain too! Eye Eye Ruby Hot Rocks Cap’ in, and she is off with the grandmothers. Ms Ruby’s little casita has a rock front and real Rubies are mixed in with the rock that dazzles in the sun. A large wooden door carved out by Ms Ruby herself and a big welcome sign adorn her front porch, Her casita is like a big tunnel inside with rock walls and big wooden beams, She also has a big red couch that she shares with all the dogs too. The other end of her casita has a sauna, A Room that fills with steam from the little rock stove where water is dripped across the rocks to make steam and heat that cleanses your skin and warms your bones. Grandmothers just love that, too! They sit naked in the sauna and sweat. The steam heat clouds the little room and after awhile they run and jump into the swimming whole they have carved out of the little river, Cold icy water but just a quick dip then, then back to the old comfy chairs by the caldron pot to warm by the fire.
  Ms Ruby and the next 2 grandmothers, Ms Lucy Larkspur and Ms Gracie Grassroots along with Ms Peppersauce Bottom have had a close bond. They were really the inspiration for this tale I’m telling you. Their lives have interconnected and lasted for many, many years. They shared many ups and downs and kept a close friendship throughout time. Why Peppersauce Bottom Ranch came to be, pert'near from their shenanigans!

Ruby Works in Carhearts and a blaster Rod
 Ruby's extra clothes

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  1. Please post a comment and go "Home" at the bottom of the post to read the whole story so far.
