Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's Ms Lucy Larkspur

Ms lucy Larkspur's Tipi and Ms Gracie Grassroots Boarding Trailer
Chapter 6 Ms Lucy Larkspur

   It’s not so hard to spot the Tipi from the lofty apple tree branches the white color and the triangular shape exposed by the early morning sun makes the visions of the grandmother spirit clearly defined as the trails of the old ones weave around the canvas. Ms Lucy so patient and calm has always carried the grandmother spirit. She is tall and thin and her long blonde hair trails down her back. Her costume is plain and simple a pair of Levi’s and a worn but warm sweatshirt, a kind of rough ruggedness in a peaceful way. She can pack up her tipi in a flash and load it on a small cart that is pulled by her white horse, a beautiful sweet horse named Cloud and a strong horse, a Paint named Lightening. Ms Lucy, Lightening and Cloud live a simple and easy life now and the land is their playground. Searching for arrowheads and Indian relics, old Tipi circles and rocks is their pleasure. Ms Lucy makes artificial body parts for people who are broken. She is a whit’ler and an artist and she can make you strong in no time flat. She also weaves and makes beautiful blankets she trades for what she needs and maybe a beer now and again! Ms Lucy Larkspur lives the old culture, she loves solitude and meditation, strength and perseverance but mind you she has a cowgirl streak, I call it rowdy! And there is something that changes when the Grandmothers all get together it is a powerful site! Darn right powerful. The color of the air changes, the old women turn to young vibrant passionate strong souls, look out! The Boots come on!
  Anyway, Ms Lucy a caring compassionate understanding Grandmother you want to visit every day. A cup of coffee in the morning with Lucy will put you on your way knowing someone is on your side all day, Ms Lucy loves to bake bread and she once made her own crackers to share, I wonder if I could get her recipe? And she like all the grandmothers loves to make green chili, the campsite favorite meal.
   Ms Lucy has been quite inspirational in getting the Peppersauce Bottom Ranch under way. She has great ideas and she already has a camp the Grandmothers stay at every now and again. The grandmothers pack up and take a road trip to Hartsel for the annual Chicks in the Sticks Camp Out. They owe a lot to Ms Lucy Larkspur!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nancy, I love the paper doll of Faye. Also very interesting writing. Love all your artwork!!
