Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Meet Ms Bunny Bugles alias Melody Meadowlark

 Chapter 4 MS Bunny Bugles alias Ms Melody Meadowlark

   The casita on the other side of Ms Peppersauce belongs to Ms Bunny, Ms Bunny is a little tricky but she loves to travel, sing and bake cakes, beautiful big cakes with lot’s of sweet frosting and beautifully decorated. Ms Bunny has those funny little teeth (buglers) that make her just belt out the songs and there is always a party around her, singing, dancing and all the merriment. She is so much fun to be around that all the Grandmothers enjoy a grand time in her company. Did I say Ms Bunny plays the piano? She dose, quite well. She knows all the tunes from time but her absolute favorite song is “I got my Thrill on Blueberry Hill!” She plays and sings long into the night. Her Casita is a 2 story with a big front porch with a porch swing and a wide French doors and a player piano, it plays songs on paper rolls that feed through and make the notes play magically. They were wonderful back in the day!
   Ms Bunny has a big bag that Ms Peppersauce made her to carry around her magical talent. Yes, yes, we will come to that part latter. Ms Melody Meadowlark as she likes to be called, is her show name. She is an actress and a singer and all the Grandmothers just love to watch her perform, especially at the Melodramas. She is a Tallish, grand Woman, striking and groomed and people take notice when she enters a room. She wears Bling, lots of shine and jewelry that pop out at you as you can’t keep your eyes off of her. She has a magnificent colored light around her. Her dress and shawl flow in the breeze as she twirls past you and her dress swishes by. Elegant, elegant woman, she is.
   Ok, the big bag is a healing bag. Ms Bunny has medicine in her bag. It will make you well if you are sick and happy if you are sad and full of energy if you are tired. It will make you eat when you can’t and if your tummy feels upset and you need some help it will help you BUT this is important you never take medicine when you are by yourself you always need someone to help you and sit with you and Ms Bunny will do that! You just have to ask, and quick as a bunny wink she is there by your side.
   Ms Bunny has a roof top garden where she grows herbs and spices that will fill her bag with flavors and scents and tinctures and rubs all medicine for her bag or sometimes for the big caldron the grandmothers cook in.
   Ms Bunny surely loves to travel pert’near everywhere. She loves to see how other people live, and what they eat, and sing in lands around the world. The grandmothers love to hear her stories but not as much as they love her famous double chocolate fudge cake with the creamy fluffy chocolate cream cheese frosting!
So after we finish this big slice of chocolaty heaven we will travel down the rocky path to the next casita, where we find another party place, Ms Ruby Hot Rocks!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness! I found them! you've done lots and even the clothes. we didn't get to the clothes. way fun!
