Saturday, September 25, 2010

Last but not least is Ms Gracie Grassroots

The Grandmother Spirit lives on forever!

The Grandmothers live a Green life-Protecting the Earth and the people

The Fairy Grandmothers life in Peppersauce Bottom on the Arkansas River

Chapter 7 Ms Gracie Grassroots

   Gracie, Gracie, Gracie! What would we do without Gracie? Gracie has the bed and breakfast at the Peppersauce Ranch or like we called it back in the day, a boarding house trailer. Her’s is a two story and she always has a bed ready for a passerby. Gracie is getting back to basics, She has a cow, Bossy and a goat Sassafras and the big red hen Squawks and the little piggy, Buttons. She is also a weaver and a baker like Ms Lucy and now she is into preserving and she puts up tomatoes, corn, peas, apples and peaches and plums and the Peppersauce peppers and chilies and whatever is abundant in the crops. Lucy makes cheese, yogurt and butter out of the goat milk and the cow’s milk. She is so busy all the time I don’t know how she has time to make up special pies to sell for the church or to pack up boxes for a friend! But She does that too!
  Gracie weaves pillow tops and blankets and special pieces of art. She is very crafty, that Gracie! She is learning how to crochet and make little slippers for all the Grandmothers. I can’t wait to get mine!
  Gracie wears Capri’s and little home made shirts with and apron just about all the time now, except on Sunday when she puts on her dress, with an apron. She wears high top sneakers and a scarf in her hair. Gracie Makes you laugh. Her nose and eyes crinkle up and she giggles and you just laugh with her. She IS very special.
  Gracie defiantly loves the Mountains. Living on the front range of the Rocky Mountains you can never get lost, you just look up and there you are! Gracie really likes this because she tends to get lost. Then the Grandmothers have to send out an alert to gather the teams to go find Gracie. It just hardly happens any more. Gracie has found her points of reference! Her Faith will pull her through.
 Gracie really has gotten back to basics, it’s funny how all the grandmothers can be so different and still be such good friends. If you knew them you would love to sit in the branches of the apple tree and look down at the little Ranch. There is always an opening at the Peppersauce Bottom Ranch for more Fairy Grandmothers or visitors tell me about your rig and yourself and we will make room for you at the PSB Ranch!

  Of course ALL the grandmothers are special and all Grandmothers are different but best of all Grandmothers are magical. You see, there will be more stories about the Grandmothers, Grand Mothers never really die they just acquire little wings and become smaller in size but that’s only so it’s easier to make wishes come true, so we will never run out of the Grandmothers’ stories because they are never ending!

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