Saturday, September 25, 2010

Last but not least is Ms Gracie Grassroots

The Grandmother Spirit lives on forever!

The Grandmothers live a Green life-Protecting the Earth and the people

The Fairy Grandmothers life in Peppersauce Bottom on the Arkansas River

Chapter 7 Ms Gracie Grassroots

   Gracie, Gracie, Gracie! What would we do without Gracie? Gracie has the bed and breakfast at the Peppersauce Ranch or like we called it back in the day, a boarding house trailer. Her’s is a two story and she always has a bed ready for a passerby. Gracie is getting back to basics, She has a cow, Bossy and a goat Sassafras and the big red hen Squawks and the little piggy, Buttons. She is also a weaver and a baker like Ms Lucy and now she is into preserving and she puts up tomatoes, corn, peas, apples and peaches and plums and the Peppersauce peppers and chilies and whatever is abundant in the crops. Lucy makes cheese, yogurt and butter out of the goat milk and the cow’s milk. She is so busy all the time I don’t know how she has time to make up special pies to sell for the church or to pack up boxes for a friend! But She does that too!
  Gracie weaves pillow tops and blankets and special pieces of art. She is very crafty, that Gracie! She is learning how to crochet and make little slippers for all the Grandmothers. I can’t wait to get mine!
  Gracie wears Capri’s and little home made shirts with and apron just about all the time now, except on Sunday when she puts on her dress, with an apron. She wears high top sneakers and a scarf in her hair. Gracie Makes you laugh. Her nose and eyes crinkle up and she giggles and you just laugh with her. She IS very special.
  Gracie defiantly loves the Mountains. Living on the front range of the Rocky Mountains you can never get lost, you just look up and there you are! Gracie really likes this because she tends to get lost. Then the Grandmothers have to send out an alert to gather the teams to go find Gracie. It just hardly happens any more. Gracie has found her points of reference! Her Faith will pull her through.
 Gracie really has gotten back to basics, it’s funny how all the grandmothers can be so different and still be such good friends. If you knew them you would love to sit in the branches of the apple tree and look down at the little Ranch. There is always an opening at the Peppersauce Bottom Ranch for more Fairy Grandmothers or visitors tell me about your rig and yourself and we will make room for you at the PSB Ranch!

  Of course ALL the grandmothers are special and all Grandmothers are different but best of all Grandmothers are magical. You see, there will be more stories about the Grandmothers, Grand Mothers never really die they just acquire little wings and become smaller in size but that’s only so it’s easier to make wishes come true, so we will never run out of the Grandmothers’ stories because they are never ending!

It's Ms Lucy Larkspur

Ms lucy Larkspur's Tipi and Ms Gracie Grassroots Boarding Trailer
Chapter 6 Ms Lucy Larkspur

   It’s not so hard to spot the Tipi from the lofty apple tree branches the white color and the triangular shape exposed by the early morning sun makes the visions of the grandmother spirit clearly defined as the trails of the old ones weave around the canvas. Ms Lucy so patient and calm has always carried the grandmother spirit. She is tall and thin and her long blonde hair trails down her back. Her costume is plain and simple a pair of Levi’s and a worn but warm sweatshirt, a kind of rough ruggedness in a peaceful way. She can pack up her tipi in a flash and load it on a small cart that is pulled by her white horse, a beautiful sweet horse named Cloud and a strong horse, a Paint named Lightening. Ms Lucy, Lightening and Cloud live a simple and easy life now and the land is their playground. Searching for arrowheads and Indian relics, old Tipi circles and rocks is their pleasure. Ms Lucy makes artificial body parts for people who are broken. She is a whit’ler and an artist and she can make you strong in no time flat. She also weaves and makes beautiful blankets she trades for what she needs and maybe a beer now and again! Ms Lucy Larkspur lives the old culture, she loves solitude and meditation, strength and perseverance but mind you she has a cowgirl streak, I call it rowdy! And there is something that changes when the Grandmothers all get together it is a powerful site! Darn right powerful. The color of the air changes, the old women turn to young vibrant passionate strong souls, look out! The Boots come on!
  Anyway, Ms Lucy a caring compassionate understanding Grandmother you want to visit every day. A cup of coffee in the morning with Lucy will put you on your way knowing someone is on your side all day, Ms Lucy loves to bake bread and she once made her own crackers to share, I wonder if I could get her recipe? And she like all the grandmothers loves to make green chili, the campsite favorite meal.
   Ms Lucy has been quite inspirational in getting the Peppersauce Bottom Ranch under way. She has great ideas and she already has a camp the Grandmothers stay at every now and again. The grandmothers pack up and take a road trip to Hartsel for the annual Chicks in the Sticks Camp Out. They owe a lot to Ms Lucy Larkspur!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Meet Ms Ruby Hot Rocks

Ms Bunny Bugles and Ms Ruby Hot Rocks Homes at The Peppersauce Bottom Ranch
Ms Ruby Hot Rocks
Chapter 5 Ms Ruby Hot Rocks

  Ms Ruby Hot Rocks is a famous designer of rock. She builds large signs by blasting words into the rock, She glues rocks onto other rocks to make a sculpture design sometimes she adds clay or fabric or wood or even iron to her designs. Ms Ruby also does jewelry in glass and beads and other items like ceramic pots, dishes, platters and bowels, but that is not all! Ms Ruby does dolls and Inko dyes and quilts and sewing, and she builds furniture and this probably is n't near the end of what she can do. She is an artist by trade and a multi-talented Fairy Grandmother. She also likes to sail her boat out on Lake Pueblo. Ms Ruby is a rotund woman like Ms Peppersauce Bottom and she loves comfort. Her clothing is loose and flowy and brightly colored and she moves quickly and has determination in every step.
   Ms Ruby is a “DOG” person, seven in all and though she is quite talented there is chaos around her always! The other grandmothers wonder how she manages to do so much with all the chaos! I think it inspires her. She sleeps in a big old feather bed with all, yes all 7 of the dogs. There’s Sparkle and Champy, Mugji, Muffin and Zeke (a rooster cat goat Terrier mix) and Boo and Lolly, A big pack of little dogs all a mixture of Terriers and Beagles. 
 The grandmothers gather at the big caldron pot every morning for coffee and breakfast and all the dogs’ dash away to the big prairie where they chase each other and run so fast nipping at each other’s tails.Watching the dogs run makes me shiver with delight Even the Horses and Spicy and Sassafras the goats, the old milk goats, and Bossy the old milk cow get all excited and join in the chase. When the dogs run in the morning the chickens in the chicken coop jump and flutter their wings and Buttons the pig rolls in the mud, every one is awake and ready for adventure, will today be the day? Will the Grandmothers pack up the casitas and take a road trip?

Oh Yes, Inspiration yes, yes, Back to Ms Ruby. She flows in her little batik print dress and her Hawaiian Shirt and her Birkenstock (little Sandals) She Is a Picture, indeed! And a great sailboat Captain too! Eye Eye Ruby Hot Rocks Cap’ in, and she is off with the grandmothers. Ms Ruby’s little casita has a rock front and real Rubies are mixed in with the rock that dazzles in the sun. A large wooden door carved out by Ms Ruby herself and a big welcome sign adorn her front porch, Her casita is like a big tunnel inside with rock walls and big wooden beams, She also has a big red couch that she shares with all the dogs too. The other end of her casita has a sauna, A Room that fills with steam from the little rock stove where water is dripped across the rocks to make steam and heat that cleanses your skin and warms your bones. Grandmothers just love that, too! They sit naked in the sauna and sweat. The steam heat clouds the little room and after awhile they run and jump into the swimming whole they have carved out of the little river, Cold icy water but just a quick dip then, then back to the old comfy chairs by the caldron pot to warm by the fire.
  Ms Ruby and the next 2 grandmothers, Ms Lucy Larkspur and Ms Gracie Grassroots along with Ms Peppersauce Bottom have had a close bond. They were really the inspiration for this tale I’m telling you. Their lives have interconnected and lasted for many, many years. They shared many ups and downs and kept a close friendship throughout time. Why Peppersauce Bottom Ranch came to be, pert'near from their shenanigans!

Ruby Works in Carhearts and a blaster Rod
 Ruby's extra clothes

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Meet Ms Bunny Bugles alias Melody Meadowlark

 Chapter 4 MS Bunny Bugles alias Ms Melody Meadowlark

   The casita on the other side of Ms Peppersauce belongs to Ms Bunny, Ms Bunny is a little tricky but she loves to travel, sing and bake cakes, beautiful big cakes with lot’s of sweet frosting and beautifully decorated. Ms Bunny has those funny little teeth (buglers) that make her just belt out the songs and there is always a party around her, singing, dancing and all the merriment. She is so much fun to be around that all the Grandmothers enjoy a grand time in her company. Did I say Ms Bunny plays the piano? She dose, quite well. She knows all the tunes from time but her absolute favorite song is “I got my Thrill on Blueberry Hill!” She plays and sings long into the night. Her Casita is a 2 story with a big front porch with a porch swing and a wide French doors and a player piano, it plays songs on paper rolls that feed through and make the notes play magically. They were wonderful back in the day!
   Ms Bunny has a big bag that Ms Peppersauce made her to carry around her magical talent. Yes, yes, we will come to that part latter. Ms Melody Meadowlark as she likes to be called, is her show name. She is an actress and a singer and all the Grandmothers just love to watch her perform, especially at the Melodramas. She is a Tallish, grand Woman, striking and groomed and people take notice when she enters a room. She wears Bling, lots of shine and jewelry that pop out at you as you can’t keep your eyes off of her. She has a magnificent colored light around her. Her dress and shawl flow in the breeze as she twirls past you and her dress swishes by. Elegant, elegant woman, she is.
   Ok, the big bag is a healing bag. Ms Bunny has medicine in her bag. It will make you well if you are sick and happy if you are sad and full of energy if you are tired. It will make you eat when you can’t and if your tummy feels upset and you need some help it will help you BUT this is important you never take medicine when you are by yourself you always need someone to help you and sit with you and Ms Bunny will do that! You just have to ask, and quick as a bunny wink she is there by your side.
   Ms Bunny has a roof top garden where she grows herbs and spices that will fill her bag with flavors and scents and tinctures and rubs all medicine for her bag or sometimes for the big caldron the grandmothers cook in.
   Ms Bunny surely loves to travel pert’near everywhere. She loves to see how other people live, and what they eat, and sing in lands around the world. The grandmothers love to hear her stories but not as much as they love her famous double chocolate fudge cake with the creamy fluffy chocolate cream cheese frosting!
So after we finish this big slice of chocolaty heaven we will travel down the rocky path to the next casita, where we find another party place, Ms Ruby Hot Rocks!